This act promoted by Ms. Doris Matsui was adopted recently by the US Congress and asks the Secretary of Commerce to establish in maximum 90 days a working group to recommend to the Congress a definition for the blockchain technology.
The act can be consulted here.
A Blockchain Working Group will be created for this purpose and will consist on representatives from Federal Agencies that could use or benefit the blockchain technology, representatives on non governmental stakeholders, IT&C manufacturers, suppliers, vendors, subject matter experts, researchers and other type of stakeholders.
The Blockchain Working Group shall submit to the Congress in maximum 1 year a report that contains a definition for the blockchain technology and recommendations for studies on the impact of blockchain technologies, a study on the possible application of this technology and opportunities for the Federal Agencies to use blockchain technology.
The act shows the interest of the US Congress on the blockchain technology and can contribute to spreading the adoption of this new technology by governments and businesses.