PwC (Price Waterhouse) Luxembourg, one of the Big Four (the 4 world largest professional services companies), announced in a press release that starting with 1st of October will accept Bitcoin payments from its clients in a partnership with a cryptocurrency exchange company based also in Luxembourg.
It is a bold move from PwC in the richest European country by GDP per Capita (and 2nd in the world after Qatar. The move might be dictated by the rich clients of the company and also as the firm declared by the necessity to be exposed to this disruptive technology.
PwC is wishing to be positioned as a leader in the blockchain and cryptocurrencies at least among the professional services companies by already employing more than 500 staff working on this technologies according to the company.
It is clear that blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are here to stay, will disrupt many industries and will attract more companies afraid not to lose this train to a new technological revolution.