Blockchain Conferences

Blockchain adoption rate is still very low (under 5%) but 2019 will bring several interesting conferences on Blockchain:

Romania Blockchain Summit

Was the first blockchain event in Romania and took place in the impressive Parliament House between 21st and 22nd of June.

Crypto Valley Conference – Switzerland

Will take place on 24th – 26th June in Zug, Switzerland

Blockchain Week Rome – Italy

25th to 30th June for the first time in Italy (Rome).

The Africa Blockchain Conference 2019 

On 3th and 4th July in Kampala, Uganda.

Block Crypto – Brazil

On 16th and 17th of July in Sao Paulo.

Blockchain 2.0 – Singapore

Will take place on 1st of August

Blockonomic Expo – Malaysia

Will take place on 15th – 16th of August in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

BlockChance Europe – Germany

On 16th and 17th August in Hamburg.

Blockchain India Week – India

On 5th and 6th September in Mumbai.

Blockchain Enterprise Week – Germany

On 18th and 19th September in Frankfurt.

Blockchain World Forum – Singapore

Will take place on 19th and 20th Sep in Singapore.

Ethereal Summit – Israel

Will take place on 15th Sep in Tel Aviv.

Blockchain Live – UK

Will take place on 25th Sep in London.

Crypto Invest Summit – US

On 15th and 16th October in Los Angeles.

Blockchain Life – Russia

On 16th and 17th October in Moscow.

Delta Summit – Malta

Will be held between 2nd and 4th of October.

World Crypto Conference – USA

Will take place between 29th and 31st October in Las Vegas.

Decentralized – Greece

Will be held in the period 31st Oct – 1st Nov in Athens.

Malta AI and Blockchain Summit – Malta

4-6 November in Malta.

Blockchain Expo – US

Takes place on 13th – 14th Nov in Silicon Valley.

Blockshow Asia – Singapore

14-15 November in Singapore.

Blockchain World Forum – UK 

Will take place in London on 21st and 22nd Nov in London.

Blockchain Eventon – India

On 6th December in Mumbai.